Micro-Movements of Implant-Abutment-Interface Test-Report
(Implantswiss Bone Level Dental Implant System ø 3,7 x 10mm)
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
J. W. Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Director: Prof. Dr. H.-Ch. Lauer
Dipl.-Ing. H. Zipprich
In order to examine the existence of a micro-gap on dental implants; a special experimental test field was developed. For each type of implant-system tested; five inspection pieces were manufactured. Each inspection piece simulates an implant-supported molar crown in the upper jaw. During the load, in a two-dimensional chewing simulator, a constant and diverging X-ray device radiated the inspection pieces. By transformation of the x-ray into visible light; x-ray videos were recorded, using a high speed digital camera. The results will give information on the development and a conclusion of a micro-gap at the implant abutment interface.
The Bone Level Dental Implant System 3,7 x 10mm manufactured by Implantswiss, which were loaded with a maximum force of 200N and then analyzed under x-ray, showed on 4 of 5 tested samples a detectable micro-gap (2μm - 4μm) at 125N. Sample no. 2 started to show a detectable micro-gap (4μm) at 150N. The micro-gaps at maximum load of 200N are from 14μm to 20μm. In comparison to other conical systems the micro-gap is large in dimension1. The over-view videos of the connection shows in addition that the rocking of the system starts at 100N. In the detailed recording the gap could not be shown at 100N. Never the less, it is not clear if a leakage of the connection will occur. That detail will be reflected in the test of the gas impermeability.
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